Pat Robertson claims Notre Dame Cathedral fire the result of “Hell bubbling over with burning homosexuals”

Moments after reports came in that the famed Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris was burning, televangelist Pat Robertson took to the CBN airwaves to advance a theory to viewers that the fire that engulfed the legendary parish was a result of “Hellfire spilling over from all the gays burning in it’s darkest recesses.”

Pat Robertson claims that the Notre Dame Cathedral fire arose because of a surplus of burning homosexuals in Hell.

“It was bound to happen. This is all written in the Bible. We as a society just let everything be gay this and gay that,” lamented the minister. “Soon enough, there’s just too many homosexuals, and when all those surplus homosexuals started to die, Hell commenced with a burning so bright, so intense, there was bound to be some that would spill over to the Earth.”
“It’s all going down as prophesied,” Robertson told his audience this morning. “Just as sure as the Lord rained fire on Sodom and Gomorrah, and the Lord lent Lucifer the flames that torture the souls of the damned, that’s what we’re witnessing in Paris today. Paris has encouraged these behaviors. Paris encourages the men there to wear light, airy fabrics and to kiss full on the mouth. Paris has gone against the Lord’s word and the Lord’s wishes, and now the fire and brimstone has bubbled over the nestle right in their holiest of houses.”
Robertson continued on to notify watchers of ways they could contribute to save Regent University and other Roberston-affiliated Christian locations in the US to “bolster the fire protection needed to save these beautiful houses of worship from the queerfires that rage on as we speak in Paris, France.”
“What’s a few dollars when it goes to saving our places of worship? The places where we seek God and truth?” the evangelist pleaded with viewers.
In 1982, Robertson blamed a fire at the same cathedral on “Bosom Buddies and Billy Crystal and Tony Randall.”

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  1. Lol hell is burning wtf shut this guy up plz what a load of bullshit

    Its burning because of the workers and that’s what it will come back to

    And we as people let everyone be happy as what ever gays have as much right as the rest of us it’s not for us to say it’s right or wrong it’s not our lifes to judge others how there fall in love


    1. And you sound like a mentally-challenged bigot to me. Life’s too short to intrude in the lives of others. You do you, and let others enjoy being who they are. Nobody is asking for yours, or this piece of 💩 false prophet’s opinion on how they should live their life bc nobody cares what you two assh**es think.


      1. He’s selective – no clue what it means to “do unto others” nor to “judge not, lest ye be judged. Takes a lot of arrogance to define oneself as being better than others. He and Trump should be sharing a cell.


    2. LORD Jesus loves the catholic people. He just do not love the organists. After all it is one of the seven lampstands. It is called Thyatira.


  2. Why is it everything wrong in the world gets blamed on homosexuality? Not the murderers or rapists, or the fact that the church was basically built out of kindling, and has been around for forever. I cannot understand how this kind of thing is always blamed on “gays”. While we are over here just trying to be equal and mind our own business. This is ugly and tired and no matter what God you pray to, we are all here to love one another. Start with love, stop the hate. If your religion is teaching you to hate anyone YOU ARE DOING IT WRONG!


    1. And… liars are out here, people are coveting at a astronomical rate. Cheaters, people dishonor their parents, and grifters are always stealing. But no, blame “the gays”.


  3. This sort of logic always amazes me. So, let me get this straight (no pun intended). God burns down his own house because too many homosexuals are in hell? That makes so much sense. These feeble-minded religious fanatics are not even worth the time any of us spend responding to their fits of stupidity.


    1. In this day and age nothing suprises me but everyone has to remember that there is a huge number of Books of The Bible missing. If you go to Germany I believe is the very 1 Bible written for all to learn from but it is about 36″ tall. Well over a million pages. Every religeon has writtings commanding their followers to battle for different reasons. What God had hoped would never happen again is where He feels that he has to wipe all humans off the Earth and start over again as in Noah’s Ark. Then again with Sacificing his only son Jesus. So to answer they question “Why would God brun down His house?” He is a loving God but also a Jealous God. He wants no one nor anything to come before Him. I would have to look it up but I think that in Rev. Jesus said when He returns it will be with Fire. Because God Promised with The Rainbow He would never flood the world again. But I could be wrong.


      1. So , are you saying that global warming is God’s revenge so He can start again?
        Whew! Get it right God!


      2. Do you have a reference or source (or name) for the Bible you are referring to?


  4. well, I guess Fred Phelps has his soul mate still here on earth… when this douchebag exits this earth he and fred will be joined mouth to groin and vice versa for all eternity to burn and burn and burn. Ah, love, how sweet it is.


  5. What a pathetic, ignorant hate monger!
    Pat Robertson wouldn’t recognize the Gospel of Jesus of Nazareth if it bit him in the ass … which it will one of these days!!!


    1. The sad and tragic fact though, is that so many people DO take him seriously and send them what little spare money they have bc they believe they’re serving a “higher purpose.” My grandmother told me about a woman living down the street from her in Florida a few years ago who was eating canned cat food bc her dead husband’s pension went bankrupt. Yet, she was still sending $25 (sometimes more or less) a month to this lying piece of 💩 on tv. She was stupid to do that, but I still felt sad for her.


    2. Pat is a crazy old man sucking money out of his followers. A rich man in the backs of his followers.😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈😈


  6. Robertson should be publicly stoned and lynched as he espouses the same views were on display at the Salem Witch trials! It’s the same damn thing! This idiot will soon know hell very soon…. Extremely evil charlatan!


  7. He has this totally backward. This is actually God voicing her objection to all of the anti-choice legislation that is being passed in this country. She is really pissed that women are being robbed of their own choices over their own bodies. Stop trying to control women. God does not like it


    1. I believe the Bible says -Judge not lest you be judged / and he who is without sin throw the first stone / pat must be a believer he is without sin-


  8. I am so ashamed of people claiming to be Christians who condemn gays. Pat Robertson, God is not happy with the hatred you spew, especially in the name of Jesus. Please do not associate this reprehensible person as representing true followers of Christ.


  9. You nasty fuckin son-of-a-bitch. How dare you blame this fire on homosexuality. Actually read the fuckin bible and learn from it. You’re just spouting “YOU’RE VIEW” of the Bible. This is one of the world most treasure monuments, and all you can do is to “blame the gays”. You have a very special place in HELL!!!!!!!!


  10. Who gave religious zealots the right to judge or determine degrees of sin… and overlook or creat the new 10 Commandments.


  11. we are sorry that the party in hell got that out of control. we will try to keep the flame to a minimum, but i warn you it is hard as Jimmy baker is the dj =) sorry not sorry sign all the homos in hell


  12. Pat Robertson is so obsessed with Gay folk! It’s really telling. I wish he would share God’s contact info. He claims a direct line. He needs to ‘come out’. His obsession is truly doing him damage. God help this tortured self-loathing soul.


  13. People are the body of the church not the building, Jesus was the corner stone of the foundation, Bible is the words of God, that tells us of his glory and mercy and his wrath- it’s just a building that burn. Jesus said not to judge but love one another- God will judge us- you know a false teacher by his fruit and how they think they are doing God work- False teachers will be punished more for leading people the wrong way. We need to be a prayer warrior and believe that God’s will be done in heaven and on earth. The bible tells us not to be of this world, trust in God and help those that don’t see or heard the truth that Jesus is coming back and it will not be to build more building but to destroy evil. our leaders of this world are filled with hate, greed, lust, love of money. open your eyes and ears, it’s bad out there and it’s going to get worst not better. read your bible so you will know so you don’t follow the wrong crowd – be careful and remember to pray for understanding and wisdom and have faith and walk as Jesus walked. false teachers all you have to do is listen to them to know they are wrong in what they say if you know what the bible says. it’s not our place to pass judgement on anyone. Believe, Faith,Love of God will save us by the Grace of Jesus we are saved.I believe God created this world and the devil is trying to destroy it and Jesus’s innocent blood saved us and the Holy Spirit guide us – pray never stop


  14. Yep we did it Pat. Now if you don’t shut up and go be quiet we will turn you gay. Then make you wed Mike Pence and have babies that are possessed by Satan… Poof be gone thine Felicia be goneth now my poor demented divine Felicia… Be goneth…


  15. No actually Pat, God destroyed one of the beacons of Christianity because of all the fake Christians that support Donald Trump. And he’s coming for you next… 😉


  16. Well if this man wants to blame this fire as an act of God on gay people he maybe needs to stop and think about the fact that this is a Catholic Cathedral need I say more.


  17. So God’s only upset with gay people?! He’s not upset with televangelists who live in mansions and steal money from poor people?! He’s not upset with a government who steals money from its citizens and takes away their healthcare, SS, disability and won’t provide them with a living wage, but gives great tax cuts to the wealthy?!?! I think u need to reread it Bible!!


  18. So let me see if I understand this correctly, Hell is so much more powerful than heaven if it can bubble over and fucking burn “Gods house”!!!!


  19. The guy is as closeted as most of my wardrobe.. after this he goes and watches gay porn and will tell himself its to “see living sin so i can cast it out! Yeah thats it!”


  20. all these comments, and only 1 or 2 that seem to realize that this is a satirical news site, and this story isn’t true. it sounds like it could be true, it wouldn’t surprise me if ol’ Pat believed something like this, but this is an actual fake story, people. calms every one of your tits!


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